How I spent most of 2024

It all started around November, 2023, after visit to the ER to find out why I had fainted for no reason. (Spoiler…it is still unknown.) After a head CT scan it was recommended that I visit an ENT which I did, and after another head scan, was sent to the Oregon Health and Science University in Portland to be seen by the head Rhinologist.

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Back in Seattle Again

It was kind of fun being in Seattle for those six weeks. It would have been more fun if I had kept up my strength. I was afraid to walk four blocks to the Safeway by the third week. I just didn’t have the stamina or the muscles. I was very surprised at myself actually.

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Recovering at Laelie’s

I didn’t go home right away. After “graduation day” at Proton, Laelie and Chris picked me up with all my stuff and took me to her house where I spent a few weeks. It might have been two weeks. I tried out online exercises, picking out the ones on my iPad that only lasted 10 minutes. When I felt a little better I went for the 20 minute ones. Spent most of the time knitting.

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My Sister Died

Some time before morning she slipped away after a long illness. Yes cancer. She would have been 78 years old this September 8, 2023. I think I will write an obituary soon.

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In 2021…

…not in any particular order, there was rain, there was fog, there were early morning and late night dog walks, Mikela’s wedding, knitting, dog on the couch, taking photos out my windows, taking photos on dog walks, Maine Fiberarts, Thanksgiving with the family. And today there was Christmas.

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Finding Feather

It wasn’t long until I found another dog. It was a year ago today, well, really a year ago on Election Day. Won’t ever forget that day. Although I do still miss Tippy and shed a little tear when I see photos of him. He was such a photo-bomber, in so many photos uninvited. I was tipped off about a possible older puppy by my friend Amy,

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R.I.P. Tippy

(March 6, 2006 – August 24, 2020)

It’s silly, in a way, to write this. Probably no one will read it, and if they do, he’s just another dog in the life. He was just another dog in my life too, but he rose above the other dogs somehow. I didn’t plan it, and I didn’t look at him and say, “You are going to be with me for 14 years and we are going to leave Maine together and go to the West coast.” I never said that, but we did and he was kind of the thread tethering me to that other life, the one that’s gone, he was the only living piece of it left and now he’s gone too.

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