Leaving The Ferry Behind

Even though I had already “retired” once back in 2008, I retired again (unofficially) right before the Pandemic of Cancellations started in 2020, I spent my last day working at my job for the Washington State Ferries at the Port Townsend dock, and wrote this the next day.

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Going to Seattle

I had been wanting to see what it was like to get to Seattle without a car. It was a trip. I mean it felt like going on a trip. If I had been driving it would have felt like driving to Seattle. This felt like I was taking a trip. It was different.

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ferry at night

Ferry on Thanksgiving Day

Lots of nice people at the ferry today. I can’t believe I was driving to work at 4:55 am. Some people said, “Thank you for working today.” Mr. Rosecrantz one of the town politicians came through and I mentioned to him that I knew who he was and he said, “You can see me every Sunday at church.” I cringe.

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Making Portraits

Who is going to be my model for portrait shots for next week? I think I will have to pick some people at a place. Like the ferry.

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At the ferry again

Yesterday I was going to write, all packed for the laundrymat with every shred of clothing I would ever wear packed in my car. Then the call came to go to work because the regular guy was sick and had to leave. Ugh. No writing and no thinking about anything. But I did take some “still lifes” and it does suit the ferry dock after dark, very still life there.

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Seattle Really Looks Like This

It’s like the photos you see in ads for Seattle. Anyone can take the same photos just riding the ferry from Bainbridge Island and back. I took these on one of my trips to Seattle for training when I first got hired by the Washington State Ferries.

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