Some time before morning she slipped away after a long illness. Yes cancer. She would have been 78 years old this September 8, 2023. I think I will write an obituary soon.
Carol Jones
In 2021…
…not in any particular order, there was rain, there was fog, there were early morning and late night dog walks, Mikela’s wedding, knitting, dog on the couch, taking photos out my windows, taking photos on dog walks, Maine Fiberarts, Thanksgiving with the family. And today there was Christmas.
Finding Feather
It wasn’t long until I found another dog. It was a year ago today, well, really a year ago on Election Day. Won’t ever forget that day. Although I do still miss Tippy and shed a little tear when I see photos of him. He was such a photo-bomber, in so many photos uninvited. I was tipped off about a possible older puppy by my friend Amy,
Wider Than Wide
So I got a new wide angle lens, A room shot is kind of distorted so I wanted to make a panorama out of a few non-distorted, not so wide shots. So I used my new tripod and took 6 shots from one point in the photo that was near the left side.
Tippy in 14 years of photos…
There are image galleries linked to each of these squares. All the images in the galleries are linked to large-sized slide shows if you have a lot of time on your hands.
R.I.P. Tippy
(March 6, 2006 – August 24, 2020)
It’s silly, in a way, to write this. Probably no one will read it, and if they do, he’s just another dog in the life. He was just another dog in my life too, but he rose above the other dogs somehow. I didn’t plan it, and I didn’t look at him and say, “You are going to be with me for 14 years and we are going to leave Maine together and go to the West coast.” I never said that, but we did and he was kind of the thread tethering me to that other life, the one that’s gone, he was the only living piece of it left and now he’s gone too.
I’m so sick of Covid
I have lived in what has been a slow, but evolutionary normal for 76.92 years, 76 years plus 11 months. In this speedily evolving and so-called new normal I know I won’t be alive to see the end of it. It might as well be considered the end now. There aren’t enough years left in my life to find out if it ever gets better. And what would be better?
Leaving The Ferry Behind
Even though I had already “retired” once back in 2008, I retired again (unofficially) right before the Pandemic of Cancellations started in 2020, I spent my last day working at my job for the Washington State Ferries at the Port Townsend dock, and wrote this the next day.